Kaya had to get stitches on March 30. She was swinging around on a chin up bar, practicing her gymnastics. The bar fell and she fell it hit her in the head and she has a huge gash. This was totally my fault. It came with reinforcements but I was making dinner and didn't think she weighed that much anyways so I didn't put them in the wall. Kaya only cried when it first happened with all the blood. I was giving her some tylenol before we left and was holding her telling her it was going to be fine and she says "I hope so Mom", how heart renching. We dropped Isabel off at a friends and went to the hospital. Kaya did such a great job. Heck I did such a great job, I only teared up a couple times. One was when she was talking to the nurse getting her temp, blood pressure and all that jazz taken. We were letting her answer the questions since they were being directed at he. She is such a big girl, she started tearing up when she was telling what happened. I thought she'd burst into tears she is kind of sensitive that way but she pulled it together and was happy from there on. She was laughing and playing around with us. Even when they went to stitch her up no flinching, or moving at all, she didn't even squeeze my hand. I was amazed and a little sad that she didn't need any comfort. In the end she got 5 stitches, some toys from the nurse and a chocolate milk shake. Hopefully the scarring will be minimal.