Saturday, May 2, 2009

Summer is nearly here

I am so excited we have started swimming 2 weeks ago. It is still mostly spring, with all the storms that have been moving through the Valley. The 7 day forecast is saying we will get into the 90's by late next week. Crazy! This last week we have had our friends over twice and that has been great for Kaya she is getting more comfortable being in the water and wearing her floaty swim suit or her life jacket. Unfortunately Isabel has been getting apprehensive about getting in the water. Maybe it is because there are more people in the pool than she is use to. I am so glad that we ended p buying this house.

We just had our sewing class last week and I have learned how to make a couple quilt blocks. And it has been tons of fun. I finally finished the table runner from the last sewing class. I had been procrastinating truing up the edges and putting the binding on, and then it turns out I forgot exactly how to put the binding on it came back mostly and it looks nice. I have been sewing a good bit this week. I also finished dresses for the girls. Kaya's is Dora and Isabel's is Tinkerbell. It is the material that is scrunchy on the top and then flared at the bottom I put some cap sleeves on it and I am happy with the way that it turned out.

So I have been practicing for the last couple months for this performance at church that the young women and relief society from our stake are putting on and the performance is tomorrow night. We had our dress rehearsal this morning and I felt like I did so much better this morning than any other time we have practiced and I am so excited about tomorrow. Chad is bringing the girls and I am praying that he will feel the spirit since this is the first church thing he has been to since he came to church shortly after we got married.


cz said...

Go Gretchen! I am amazed that you have sewn your table runner and dresses for the girls. I miss the sewing class:( But I am glad that when I come to visit I will be able to see your quilt! Good luck tomorrow night I am sure you will do great! Tell the girls hi from Whitney she misses her friends- As do I! Callie

Rache said...

yea a new post. And we love swimming in your pool and hanging out with you guys. Thanks for having us over.

Family von Graf said...

You did a great job! Between the girls screaming and other fun things, I'm hoping he felt something. lol